Commonly Used Acronyms by the RCA
ARL | Additional Reserve Lands |
BUOW | Burrowing Owl |
CALFIRE | California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
CALTRANS | California Department of Transportation |
CD | Consistency Determination |
CDFG | California Department of Fish and Game |
CDFW | California Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly CDFG) |
CEQA | California Environmental Quality Act |
CETAP | Community and Environmental Transportation Acceptability Process |
CHD | Critical Habitat Designation |
CIP | Capital Improvement Program |
CNLM | Center for Natural Lands Management |
EMWD | Eastern Municipal Water District |
EPD | Environmental Programs Department (Riverside County) |
ERP | Expedited Review Process |
FY | Fiscal Year |
HANS | Habitat Evaluation and Acquisition Negotiation Strategy |
HMU | Habitat Management Unit |
IC | Interchange |
JPR | Joint Project Review |
LDMF | Local Development Mitigation Fee |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MSHCP | Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan |
OHV | Off-Highway Vehicle |
PCL | Proposed Constrained Linkage |
PQP | Public/Quasi-Public |
PSE | Participating Special Entities |
RCA | Regional Conservation Authority |
RCD | Resource Conservation Districts |
RCRCD | Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District |
RCOE | Riverside County Office of Education |
RCTC | Riverside County Transportation Commission |
RCTD | Riverside County Transportation Department |
RMOC | Reserve Management Oversight Committee |
ROVE | Recreation Off-Highway Vehicle Enforcement |
SAWA | Santa Ana Watershed Association |
SB | San Bernardino |
SR | State Route |
SWG | State Wildlife Grant |
TAC | Technical Advisory Committee |
TIFIA | Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act |
TUMF | Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee |
USFWS | United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
UTM Nad 83 Zone 11 | Meter Coordinate System for Maps |
WIFIA | Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act |
WA | Wildlife Agencies (USFWS & CDFG) |
WCB | Wildlife Conservation Board |
WPT | Western Pond Turtle |
WRDA | Water Resources Development Act |
HANS | Habitat Evaluation and Negotiation Strategy |
ERP | Expedited Review Process |
CWA | Federal Clean Water Act |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |