Van Der Linden Donation

Land Donations

Van Der Linden Donation

The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) acquired the Van Der Linden Donation property on January 2, 2020. The property was donated to the RCA by Juliet Van Der Linden and her brother Vincent Ely.

The subject property consists of approximately 7.97 acres and is located south of Fay Lane and west of Washburn Road in the unincorporated Estelle Mountain area of the County of Riverside. The subject property is located in Cell 3759 within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Western Riverside County MSHCP).

The Van Der Linden Donation property acquisition contains important biological resources, including coastal sage scrub. The property consists of steep hills of open coastal sage scrub dominated by Brittle Bush, California Buckwheat, California Sagebrush and Short-Podded Mustard. California Gnatcatcher was observed onsite. Additional animal species likely to be present on the property include Bell’s Sage Sparrow, Cooper’s Hawk, Least Bell’s Vireo, Loggerhead Shrike, Mountain Quail, Yellow Warbler, Bobcat and Mountain Lion. In addition, the subject property is located within an important conservation area within the Western Riverside County MSHCP, identified as Core 1.