Sand Dune Habitat Restored to Help Preserve Endangered Species Protected by the MSHCP
On a picturesque fall morning of October 19, several dedicated volunteers ventured off to the Jurupa Hills with the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA), Rivers & Lands Conservancy, and the Riverside County Park and Open-Space District...
Species Spotlight: Meet the Tiny Titan of the Pools: The Riverside Fairy Shrimp
Make no mistake, despite its small size, the Riverside fairy shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni) is a crustacean tough enough to withstand one of nature’s most unpredictable habitats. Averaging just three quarters of an inch in size, these shrimp are excellent swimmers,...
Celebrating 20 Years of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan
On Friday, October 11, 2024, the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) at the Hidden Valley Nature Center in Riverside. Twenty years ago, the MSHCP was...
Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority Seeks New Members for Stakeholders Committee
Would you like to make a difference in habitat conservation to support the western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSCHP)? The RCA is seeking volunteer members for its Stakeholders Committee. Applications are due Monday, November 4, 2024....
Let’s help the Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly
In an ongoing effort to conserve and restore sand dune habitat, the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) is thrilled to join the Rivers & Lands Conservancy and RivCo Parks at the upcoming volunteer restoration day. Date: Saturday, October...
Species Spotlight: Beyond the Spiky Bristles of the Vernal Barley
The vernal barley (Hordeum intercedens) is a small tufted annual grass. As the plant matures, its color shifts from a vibrant green to a golden brown. Upon close inspection, you’ll notice this member of the grass (Poaceae) family appears as a thick blade of grass on a...