School Resources

School Resources

Raising environmental awareness and educating the next generation of conservationists and biologists is crucial to protecting habitats and species. As a community, we can learn how to preserve vital habitats, protect threatened and endangered species, and have fun doing it. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan protects 146 animal and plant species by preserving 500,000 acres of sensitive habitat in western Riverside County.

With the resources below, you can teach your students about species that are being protected in western Riverside County, find a nature center, and access other resources to supplement biology, habitat conservation, and wildlife curricula. We hope you will inspire your students to learn more about their local environment and help conserve and protect habitat for future generations.

If you would like more information, you can contact us at

146 Project

The 146 Project is an interactive and fun educational opportunity catered to students in grades K-8. The 146 Project encourages students to spend time outdoors while learning about the 146 different plant and animal species protected by the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. The project was developed by the RCA in partnership with local Girl Scout, Katie, to help students learn about protecting open space, conserving plant and animal species, and preserving natural habitats.

The 146 Project features several easy and fun opportunities for students in grades K-8 to earn a 146 Project fun patch that can be worn on a jacket, vest, or backpack.

Click here to learn more or to get started.

Featured Species of the Month

Name Scientific Name
Type Status Resource
Arroyo Chub Gila orcuttii Fish State Special Concern Presentation
Arroyo Toad Anaxyrus californicus Amphibian Federal Endangered/State Special Concern Presentation
Bell’s Sage Sparrow Artemisiospiza belli Bird Not Listed Presentation
Black Swift Cypseloides niger Bird State Special Concern Presentation
Bobcat Lynx rufus Mammal Not Listed Presentation
California Black Walnut Juglans californica
Plant Not Listed Article
California Orcutt Grass Orcuttia californica Plant Federal Endangered/State Endangered Presentation
California Range Newt Taricha torosa torosa Amphibian State Special Concern Presentation
Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens Bird Not Listed Article
Double-Crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auratus Bird Not Listed Presentation
Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis Bird Not Listed Presentation
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Bird State Protected Presentation
Granite Night Lizard Xantusia henshawi henshawi Reptile Not Listed Presentation
Granite Spiny Lizard Sceloporus orcutti Reptile Not Listed Presentation
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Bird Not Listed Presentation
Lemon Lily Lilium parryi Plant Not Listed Presentation
Little Mousetail Myosurus minimus Plant Not Listed Presentation
Long Tailed Weasel Mustela frenata Mammal Not Listed Presentation
Los Angeles Pocket Mouse Perognathus longimembris brevinasus Mammal State Special Concern Presentation
Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog Rana muscosa Amphibian Federal Endangered/State Special Concern Presentation
Mud Nama Nama stenocarpum Plant Not Listed Presentation
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Bird Not Listed Presentation
Palomar Monkey Flower Mimulus diffusus Plant Not Listed Presentation
Plummer’s Mariposa Lily Calochortus spp Plant Not Listed Article
Rainbow Manzanita Arctostaphylos rainbowensis Plant Not Listed Presentation
Red-Diamond Rattlesnake Croctalus ruber ruber Reptile State Special Concern Presentation
Riverside Fairy Shrimp Streptocephalus woottoni Invertebrate Federal Endangered Presentation
San Diego Desert Woodrat Neotoma lepida intermedia Mammal Not Listed Presentation
San Miguel Savory Clinopodium chandleri Plant Not Listed Presentation
Southern Rubber Boa Charina bottae umbratica Reptile State Threatened Article
Southern Western Pond Turtle Actinemys pallida Reptile State Special Concern Presentation
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Bird Not Listed Presentation
Woolly Star Eriastrum densifolium spp. sanctorum Plant Federal Endangered/State Endangered Presentation


Western Riverside County Nature Centers

Here are a few nature reserves in Western Riverside County that offer student-friendly trails, educational programs, and tours:  


External Resources