Oak Valley/San Timoteo Canyon Acquisition

Location: Mostly north of Highway 60 and west of the I-10 in the rugged Badlands area east of Moreno Valley.
RCA Area: Reche Canyon/Badlands, The Pass, Rough Step Area 2.
Size: 4,601.8 acres.
Plant Communities in the area: Chaparral, Coastal Sage scrub, Grasslands, Riparian Scrub, Woodland Forest, and Riversidean Alluvial Fan Scrub.
Animal Species Observed: Bell’s Sage Sparrow, Bobcat, Cactus Wren, Cooper’s Hawk, Least Bell’s Vireo, Loggerhead Shrike, Los Angeles Pocket Mouse, Mountain Lion, San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Southern California Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Southwestern Will Flycatcher, Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat, White-tailed Kite, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat.



Fifteen acquisitions make up this 4,600-acre addition to public and quasi-public lands in the Badlands north of Moreno Valley. Starting in 2003, property began to be acquired to create a vital connection between the badlands and reserves to the west such as Box Springs and the San Jacinto Wildlife area.

Wildlife and Habitat Value:

While conserving a large habitat block in the Badlands, the purchase also protects habitat or corridors for Bobcats and Mountain Lions. It helps provides links to the San Jacinto Wildlife Reserve and is contiguous to state parks land in the San Timoteo reserve area. Raptors such as the Golden Eagle, Cooper’s Hawk, and Red-tailed Hawk Forage on the property, which also is suitable habitat for Deer.