Past Acquisitions
- Anheuser Busch – Phase 4 Acquisition
- Anheuser Busch – Phase 5 Acquisition
- Bautista Canyon
- Costanzo Acquisition
- Dyer Wynn Acquisition
- Evandel Bergstein and Evandel Wilson Acquisitions
- Inland Premier – Phase 2 Acquisition
- Lloyd Acquisition
- Martin Acquisition
- TNC/Monte Cristo Acquisition
- Goodhart Acquisition
- Warm Springs Acquisitions
- Oak Valley/San Timoteo Canyon Acquisition
- Eddy Property Acquisition
- Rita and Linnea Gentry Acquisition
Oak Valley/San Timoteo Canyon Acquisition
Location: | Mostly north of Highway 60 and west of the I-10 in the rugged Badlands area east of Moreno Valley. |
RCA Area: | Reche Canyon/Badlands, The Pass, Rough Step Area 2. |
Size: | 4,601.8 acres. |
Plant Communities in the area: | Chaparral, Coastal Sage scrub, Grasslands, Riparian Scrub, Woodland Forest, and Riversidean Alluvial Fan Scrub. |
Animal Species Observed: | Bell’s Sage Sparrow, Bobcat, Cactus Wren, Cooper’s Hawk, Least Bell’s Vireo, Loggerhead Shrike, Los Angeles Pocket Mouse, Mountain Lion, San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat, Southern California Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Southwestern Will Flycatcher, Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat, White-tailed Kite, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat. |

Fifteen acquisitions make up this 4,600-acre addition to public and quasi-public lands in the Badlands north of Moreno Valley. Starting in 2003, property began to be acquired to create a vital connection between the badlands and reserves to the west such as Box Springs and the San Jacinto Wildlife area.