Warm Springs Acquisitions

Location: North of Murrieta and Temecula.
RCA Area: Southwest, Sun City/Menifee Valley, Rough Step Area 6.
Size: 1,005.53 acres.
Plant Communities in the area: Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, Grasslands, Woodland, and Forest
Animal Species Observed: Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, Bobcat, Los Angeles Pocket Mouse, Bell’s Sage Sparrow, California Horned Lark, Swainson’s Hawk, Grasshopper Sparrow, Southern California Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Western Pond Turtle.


The fourteen acquisitions that comprise Warm Springs began to be assembled in 2003 with the 365-acre McElhinney/Stimmel property. The single largest acquisition was the Winchester 700 Murrieta property in 2008 at 454.43 acres.

Large patches of undisturbed coastal sage scrub, chaparral and riparian habitats in the center of the Winchester 700 Murrieta area are of particular value to the MSHCP. In addition, this area provides habitat for a variety of species that are not found in any other area within the MSHCP. Rare plants include the Long-spined Spineflower, Munz’s Onion, and Palmer’s Grapplinghook.

Wildlife and Habitat Value:

Warm Spring acquisition contributes to conservation efforts that focus on Woodland and Forest habitat along Warm Springs Creek and adjacent Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, and Grassland habitat.