Dyer Wynn Acquisition

Location: The property is located west of Greenwald Avenue and south of Scenic Crest Drive in the City of Lake Elsinore.
RCA Area: Elsinore Area Plan – Subunit 5 – Ramsgate, Rough Step 8.
Size: 19.51 acres.
Plant Communities in the area: Riparian Scrub, Woodland Forest, Coastal Sage Scrub.
Species for Conservation: Bell’s Sage Sparrow, California Horned Lark, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Least Bell’s Vireo, Cooper’s Hawk, and Bobcat.


The Dyer Wynn property consists of approximately 19.51 acres and is located immediately east of previously conserved lands.

This property was acquired by RCA on December 3, 2015 with state and federal grant funding.  The property is located within Cells 4270 and 4272 of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Western Riverside County MSHCP).

The Dyer Wynn property contains important biological resources including Coastal Sage Scrub habitat.

Wildlife and Habitat Value:

In addition, the subject property is located in a critical conservation area within the Western Riverside County MSHCP, identified as Linkage 7.  This property connects to conserved lands to the west.  Conservation of this land helps assemble the reserve for this area and protect important habitat for many species including Coastal California Gnatcatcher and least Bell’s Vireo.