Highlighted Acquisitions
- Anheuser Busch – Phase 4 Acquisition
- Anheuser Busch – Phase 5 Acquisition
- Bautista Canyon
- Costanzo Acquisition
- Dyer Wynn Acquisition
- Evandel Bergstein and Evandel Wilson Acquisitions
- Inland Premier – Phase 2 Acquisition
- Lloyd Acquisition
- Martin Acquisition
- TNC/Monte Cristo Acquisition
- Goodhart Acquisition
- Warm Springs Acquisitions
- Oak Valley/San Timoteo Canyon Acquisition
- Eddy Property Acquisition
- Rita and Linnea Gentry Acquisition
The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) acquired the Eddy property on November 7, 2019. RCA purchased the property with funds from our mitigation fee program.
The property consists of a little over 41 acres and is located south of Dove Drive and west of Ridgecrest Trail in the unincorporated Tule Creek area of Riverside County. It is located in Cells 7603 and 7509 within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Western Riverside County MSHCP).
The Eddy property acquisition contains important biological resources, including Riparian Scrub and woodland forest habitat and consists of steep, rocky hills of healthy Red Shank Chaparral and California Buckwheat. There is good native forb diversity (broadleaf plants that are not grass-like). Tule Creek runs through the northern section of the property. Animal species likely to be present on the property include Bell’s Sage Sparrow, Cactus Wren, Least Bell’s Vireo, Quino Checkerspot Butterfly, Bobcat, and Mountain Lion. In addition, the subject property is located in an important conservation area within the Western Riverside County MSHCP, identified as Linkage 16.