RCA has four main groups of partners that assist it in achieving the goals of the MSHCP.
Members consist of those agencies that participated in developing and authorizing the MSHCP. They include all of the cities in western Riverside County, Riverside County, and a number of countywide and state agencies. Sometimes, because these entities are named in the permits from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game that allows RCA to do its work, they are called Permitees. A smaller group, consisting of only the cities and Riverside County signed the Joint Powers Agreement that formed RCA. These agencies govern RCA’s operations.
Participating Special Entity means any regional public facility provider, such as a utility company, a public district or agency, that operates and/or owns land within the Plan Area and that applies to use the Plan to comply with the federal and state Endangered Species Acts.
Partner Agencies are those who work with RCA to preserve habitat and are responsible for the public and quasi-public lands that constitute the core of the reserve system. RCA is working to develop memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with these state, federal, and other agencies to ensure that lands are managed in concert to provided for the needs of the 146 species covered by the MSHCP.
Friends include the partners who issued the initial permits under which RCA was formed: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. Entities with conservation, development, planning, and agriculture special interests are also RCA’s partners in achieving the goals of the MSHCP.