California Wildlife Conservation Board Approves Funding 20 Acres for MSHCP Reserve

Aug 24, 2023 | Funding, MSHCP

Aerial photo of Banning, California

The MSHCP Conservation Area will continue to grow thanks to a recently approved state grant by the California Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB). On August 24, the WCB approved RCA’s funding request to acquire a critical parcel of land for the MSHCP reserve. The Barth property was on the RCA’s priority list to purchase due to its proximity to other reserve lands and habitats and its contribution to a critical linkage for MSHCP covered species, including the mountain lion. 

The Barth property is approximately 20 acres located within the Temecula Escarpment area in southwest Riverside County. Vegetation on the property consists of chaparral, a native scrub community. The acquisition of this property contributes to a “transition zone” from the Agua Tibia Mountains through the floodplains of Murrieta and Temecula Creeks, to the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains and Cleveland National Forest, further assembling this important regional linkage for several southwest Riverside County species.

The RCA works closely with our state and federal partners to secure grants. The funding allocation will be part of the 2022 Section 6 Non-Traditional Grant administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the federal level and allocated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and administered by WCB at the state level, authorized by the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The grant aims to prevent habitat loss and protect listed species through land acquisition and recovery.