Celebrating 20 Years of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan

Oct 23, 2024 | Announcement, MSHCP, News, Species

On Friday, October 11, 2024, the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) at the Hidden Valley Nature Center in Riverside. Twenty years ago, the MSHCP was developed to help balance the growing need for transportation and housing infrastructure while protecting habitats for 146 sensitive, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species unique to our region. The balanced approach has helped western Riverside County conserve thousands of acres of land while streamlining the environmental review process for much-needed projects, saving time and money.
“One of the most important responsibilities I’ve had as an elected official is being an RCA Board member, and now Chair of the RCA Board, because I value the MSHCP’s role in preserving what makes Riverside County unique – its beautiful open space and natural landscapes, which are home to extraordinary native species that support our ecosystems,” said Kevin Bash, Chair of the RCA Board of Directors and Mayor of Norco at the 20th anniversary event. “Thanks to the streamlined permitting process created by the MSHCP, billions of dollars of infrastructure have been delivered faster than the old way of project-by-project permitting before the MSHCP was adopted.”
The 20-year anniversary event included remarks from U.S. Representative Ken Calvert, RCA Board Vice Chair and County Supervisor for the 2nd District Karen Spiegel, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Director Paul Souza, California Natural Resources Agency Deputy Secretary Meghan Hertel, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Environmental Program Manager Kim Freeburn and former Riverside County Supervisor Tom Mullen.
The celebration culminated with planting a California black walnut tree, an MSHCP-protected species, at the Hidden Valley Nature Center grounds.

For more information on the MSHCP and the RCA, visit wrc-rca.org or follow @westernRCA on Facebook, X, and Instagram.