Kollar Donation

Kollar Donations

Resources and Connectivity

The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) acquired the Kollar Donation property on October 7, 2019. The property was donated to the RCA by Judy Kollar. Judy states: “In 1993, my family discovered the natural treasures of the Santa Rosa Plateau–its native oaks and bunch grasses, wildflowers and wild animals. It was love at first sight. With much gratitude for RCA’s ability to preserve and protect these treasures, we feel a deep satisfaction in donating our property in memory of my mother Muriel Louise Montonna Kollar, whose generosity and love of nature have made the donation possible.”

The subject property consists of approximately 17.93 acres and is located east of Corona Cala Camino and south of Vigman Drive in the unincorporated Tenaja area of the County of Riverside. The subject property is partly located in Cells 6965 and 7027 within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Western Riverside County MSHCP).

The Kollar Donation property acquisition contains important biological resources, including grassland and woodland forests. The property is a mix of chaparral habitat dominated by scrub oak, chamise, and white sage; and oak savanna with native bunch grasses and numerous Englemann oak adults, seedlings, and saplings. Animal species likely to be present on the property include California red-legged frog, coast range newt, Bell’s sage sparrow, Cooper’s hawk, grasshopper sparrow, yellow warbler, mountain quail, bobcat and mountain lion. In addition, the subject property is located within an important conservation area within the Western Riverside County MSHCP, identified as Linkage 9.  Attached is a map and picture of the Kollar Donation property.