Plan Your Next Field Trip to the Hidden Valley Wildlife Nature Center

Apr 29, 2024 | Recreational

Are you looking to add some pizzazz to your curriculum? Take your students out for a day of fun and interactive learning and embark on a journey to explore the diverse habitats of the Hidden Valley Wildlife Nature Center.

The center is located at 11401 Arlington Avenue in Riverside near Norco. Marked by a large tree, the center’s entrance opens up to a long road that leads guests to one of the many parking lots. Whether your class is studying insects, rocks, wildlife, or watersheds, the Hidden Valley Nature Center has plenty of programs for you! Students can enjoy various hands-on activities such as presentations, live animals, hikes, games, and more.

The Hidden Valley Wildlife Area was dedicated in October 1975, and the Nature Center opened in the 1990s. The wildlife area is part of the MSHCP assembly consisting of 1,500 acres of conserved habitat. The center is open to the public on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It hosts various education events throughout the year, including an “Outdoor Adventure” themed summer camp event on June 24-28.

In addition to special events, school field trips offered at the Hidden Valley Nature Center are held from September to May – providing various education programs aligned with California State Standards (CSS) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for students K-6th grade. The Hidden Valley Nature Center is home to the award-winning Knee-High Naturalist program, which helps connect one to five-year-olds and their guardian with nature.

Students are invited to explore the park and take in the beauty of the flora and fauna across the trails. Whether it may be a student studying their first nature preserve or a seasoned nature enthusiast, the Hidden Valley Nature Center’s field trip program will be a memorable experience students will cherish for a lifetime.

To learn more about the Hidden Valley Nature Center’s field trip program or booking information, click here or visit

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